Subhash Chandra Bose gave famous slogans like "You Give Me Blood, I Will Give You Freedom" and "Jai Hind", passed the examination of the Indian Administrative Service. He elected President of two times, and he formed the Forward Bloc in 1939, 'Azad Hind Fauj' was established to remove the British from the country
Subhash Chandra Bose is also called 'Neta Ji'. He was a prominent leader of the Indian freedom struggle. Although much of the contribution of freedom to the country is given to Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru, the contribution of Subhash Chandra Bose was not less than that.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Biography:
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Early Life:
Subhash Chandra Bose was born on January 23, 1897, in Cuttack, Odisha. It was the 9th of the 14 children of Jankinath Bose and Shri Matti Imtheti Devi. Subhash Chandra's father, Janaki Nath, was a famous lawyer at that time. Many people were impressed with his advocacy. Before he was a government lawyer, then he started a private practice.He also passed his B.A. in Philosophy in the Presidency College in Calcutta. He had been profoundly affected by Swami Vivekananda's teachings and has been famous for his patriotic zeal for a pupil.
In an episode where Bose beat up his professor (E.F. Otten) because of his racist remarks, brought him notoriety as a rebel-Indian in the eyes of this authorities. His dad wanted Netaji to become a civil servant and so, sent him to England to look to the Indian Civil Service
Examination. Bose was set forth with maximum marks in English. However, his impulse for engaging in the liberty movement was extreme and at April 1921, he resigned in the coveted Indian Civil Service and arrived back into India. He himself began the paper 'Swaraj', edited Das' paper'Forward' and functioned as the CEO of Calcutta Municipal Corporation beneath Das' stint as Mayor.
Political Career:
For the Indian Administrative Service, he applied in 1920 and he did not only get success in this examination, but he also got Chaita. They became very disturbed by the massacre of Jalianwala Bagh and resigned from administrative service in 1921. After coming back to India, the leader came in contact with Gandhiji and joined the Indian National Congress.Read more: Khudiram Bose, Early life, Revolutionary activities
As per the instructions of Gandhi, he started working with Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das. He later described Chittaranjan Das as his political guru. Subhash soon joined the Chief Ministers of the Congress with his insight and hard work. When Simon came to the commission in 1928, Congress opposed it and showed black flags.
In 1928, the annual session of Congress was held in Kolkata under the chairmanship of Motilal Nehru. At this convention, the British Government was given a year's time to give Dominion status. During that time, Gandhiji did not agree with the demand for complete Swaraj. At the same time, Subhash and Jawaharlal Nehru were not allowed to withdraw from full Swaraj demand. In 1930, he formed the Independence League.
During the 'Civil Disobedience' movement of 1930, Subhash was arrested and sent to jail. After Gandhiji-Irwin Pact, he was released in 1931. Subhash opposed Gandhi-Irwin Pact, and he was not happy even with the decision to stop the 'Civil Disobedience' movement.
Subhash was soon put in jail under 'Bengal Act'. During this period, he had to stay in jail for nearly a year and later he was released from prison due to illness. They were sent from India to Europe. There, he established centers in many cities to increase political and cosmic relations between India and Europe.
Despite being banned from coming to India, he came to India and consequently he had to go to jail for 1 year. After the elections of 1937, the Congress party came to power in 7 states and Subhash was released. Shortly after this, Subhash was elected president of Haripura Session "1938" of Congress. During his tenure, Subhash formed the 'National Planning Committee'.
Subhash was again elected president in the Tripuri session of 1939. This time Subhash was from Pattabhi Sitarmaya. Though Sitaramaiya had full support from Gandhiji, Subhash won the elections with 203 votes.
During this, the clouds of World War II were being started and Subhash gave the ultimatum to leave the country in 6 months. This attitude of Subhash was opposed by other Congressmen including Gandhiji, who resigned from the post of President.
Forward Bloc and Azad Hind Fauj:
Subhash Chandra Bose formed Forward Block on 22 June 1939 after resigning from the post of Congress, although Bose opposed the British rulers, Subhash Chandra Bose was very influenced by the systematic and disciplined attitude of the British government.Subhash Chandra Bose advocated mass civil disobedience against the decision of Viceroy Lord Linlithgow to fight against India without consulting the Congress leadership. Due to his decision, he had to serve seven days of imprisonment and suffered 40 days of house arrest.
On 41 day of the house arrest, Subhash Chandra Bose came out of his house to go to Germany to travel to Germany and travel to Germany via Orlando Mazota in the Italian passage through Afghanistan, the Soviet Union, Moscow, and Rome.
Under the guidance of Adam von Trott Zoo Soll, Subhash Chandra Bose established India's special bureau, which broadcast on German sponsored Azad Hind Radio. Subhash Chandra Bose relied on the fact that the enemy of the enemy is a friend and thus he demanded the cooperation of Germany and Japan against the British Empire.
Bose founded the Free India Center in Berlin, while about 3,000 Indian prisoners had signed up for the Free India Legion. After the collapse of Germany's war and the last withdrawal of the German army, Subhash Chandra Bose realized that now the German army will not be able to overcome the British expulsion from India.
Subsequently, Subhash Chandra Bose moved from Germany to Singapore in July 1943, where he hoped for the formation of Indian National Army again to tell you that the Indian National Army was first established by Capt General Mohan Singh in 1942, followed by the Nationalist Leader Bihari Bose presided over it.
Later, Rash Bihari Bose handed over the responsibility of this organization to Subhash Chandra Bose. At the same time, the INA started going to be known as Azad Hind Fauj and Subhash Chandra Bose as Neta Ji. Not only did Neta Ji reconstruct the soldiers, but he also drew the attention of NRI Indians in Southeast Asia. In addition to being recruited into the army, people started giving financial assistance too.
Let us tell you that after this, the Azad Hind Fauj also emerged with a separate female unit, this was the first such organization in Asia. The Azad Hind Fauz extended a lot and this organization started working under a temporary government of Azad Hind Government.
They had their own postage stamps, currency, courts and civil codes and were accepted by nine Axis states. Army, along with Netaji, the Chief Commander of the Azad Hind Fauj, rose to India to liberate the country from the British Raj.
Read more: Short Biography of Mahatma Gandhi
However, the Japanese and the German army were surprised at the sudden attack of Commonwealth forces. With the withdrawal of the Rangoon base camp, Subhash Chandra Bose's political Hindustan was shattered to the dream of becoming an effective political unit.
The greatest hero is still alive your site, So I really thanks to you.